Great memories made at George's Installation on June 30th 2023.
Thanks Marcos for sharing all the good Rotary is doing with this project.

Thank you Dr. Marge Barcomb for sharing information and speaking about your business.

Our speaker for today, Bonnie with Andrew Wright Design and Bonnie's Mixology for providing information on how they support our local community.
Thanks for speaking to our group Bonnie.

Get up early and come out and have some good food and hear all about our Yuma Orchestra Association.
Meeting is at
575 E 16th St
Yuma, AZ 85365
United States of America
Feel free to drop in.
We look forward to answering any questions you have about becoming a Rotarian with Yuma Sunrise
Follow us on Facebook @YumaSunriseRotaryClub
or at our website
Our speaker for today, Carlo Doblar with Arizona Best Hopice, providing information on how they support our local community.
Thanks for speaking to our group Carlo.

Our District Governor, Don Jorgenson, surprised our club with an important banner recognizing our club's participation for 2022-2023.
Thanks for stopping by Don!

Yuma, AZ 85365
United States of America