Rotary Club of Yuma Sunrise
About Our Club

Yuma Sunrise Rotary - a Breakfast Club
We meet Wednesday at 6:45 AM at IHOP on 16th Street
A great way to start the day!
THE FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? and most of all....IS IT FUN? "Service Above Self" is Rotary International's Motto and it's what we believe. We work hard to live up to our Motto all while having a great time! Sunrise has various types of fundraisers and events throughout the year to help raise money that we put back into our Community as well as support Rotary's international projects. We give back to our Community via Donations and/or Community Service, Scholarships, Dictionary Project, School projects, and youth leadership to name a few. We're a Fun-spirited Club that's looking to grow! We have a great group of people who come together on Wednesday mornings to listen to meaningful programs reflective of our community needs by inspiring speakers, for Breakfast and Rotary Fellowship. We believe in giving back and Rotary is our Charity. Business Leaders, Owners & Managers - If you're looking to get involved with a Service Club or, are interested in seeing what Rotary is all about pay us a visit! |